When people have been out of the job market for a long time, it can be extremely difficult to know how to re-start the journey back into employment.
With this is mind, we’ve created the Community Cleaning Service; part of ANTA Community Training CIC a community interest company that trades as a cleaning company, employing adults who are dependent on benefits, low income and furthest from the job market.
It’s a springboard for both their personal and professional development; providing secure employment and personal development support to break down the barriers that prevent them from entering long-term employment.
ANTA Education employee Claire has been helping to set up the new venture.
“A few years ago I had to leave my job to become a full time carer to my son James who has profound special needs. Going from full time employment to becoming a full time carer was a massive adjustment and at times quite isolating so cleaning became my little bit of sanity. As a company and as individuals we very much care about our community and the people in it and endeavour to help in any way we can.”
You can stay up to date with the Community Cleaning Service here